
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Donation Page

LetaChinaMountainSmallMy teacher of many years, an 88th generation Taoist priest, Jeffrey Yuen, has invited me to join him and a small group of top Chinese Medicine practitioners from around the world on a journey to sacred temples and remote Chinese Medicine sites.

This “expedition” to China is really a unique conference or meeting of the minds to explore and uncover nearly-lost Chinese Medicine techniques from the southern parts of China.

For me personally this is more than just a learning opportunity to enhance my healing work as it also fulfills a professional goal with the new media publishing company I’ve started with Jaye McElroy called Born Perfect. It has been my lifelong dream to be able to help bring such amazing healing information to as many people as possible. The mission of Born Perfect company is to bring ancient wisdom to modern times. We will be publishing and producing new works in many different formats, such as books, online classes, webinars and podcasts for many different projects! BornLogowithAddresswithnewyinyang-400This upcoming trip to China with these amazing healers from around the world fits right into our mission. I feel honored to have been invited to attend this event and will do my best to be present and passionate about all that we will see, learn and observe on this trip.

If you would like to support our efforts, we would be honored and humbled. There is no donation that is too small or too big!  Please feel free to donate now here:

We will keep you updated on our upcoming projects, events and future adventures. Thank you for caring!